Fri. Jan 31st, 2025

Cats are one of the most popular household pets for many different reasons. Cats offer lots of entertainment, while also ridding the home of rodents. It isn’t just rodents, cats can keep other pest animals away.
Your cat needs a collar and tag if it goes outside. A lost cat is much easier to locate if they are properly tagged. The tag needs your phone number and cat’s name at the minimum.
It’s important that you don’t forget your cat and allow them to become bored too easily. Just like dogs, cats need playtime and physical exercise, too. But, too many cat owners fail to realize this. A lack of stimulation can lead to psychological or medical problems for your cat, including depression, compulsive disorders, and chronic misbehavior. You need to give it new toys regularly and make sure your cat has plenty of space to run and play. If you have an indoor cat, provide a kitty gym for them to climb on or a scratching post.
Cats are often nocturnal creatures. The result is that cats prefer to be more active during the night. If you are having a hard time sleeping because of your cats, close the door. This will keep the cats away while you’re trying to sleep because they won’t be jumping all over you.
You should create a tablecloth for the cats in your home. Cats will sometimes pluck food from the bowl and enjoy it straight off the ground. This makes quite a mess. The best thing for you to do is to have a place mat underneath the cat’s bowl.
Are you a cat and dog owner? A dog will probably end up eating the cat’s food if it gets the chance. Because of this, you should make the place that your cat food is in higher up so that the dog cannot reach it. This can prevent squabbles over water when their food is gone.
Understand that leaving a small kitten together with small children can be dangerous to both. If a child is under the age of five, you should not leave the pet alone with them. A child of that age doesn’t realize when they are being too rough with a pet. As they grow, you will be able to decide when it is the right time for them to handle a cat or kitten without supervision.
Mix up the food you feed your cat to avoid them becoming a picky eater. By feeding the cat the same kind of food over and over again, they become used to that specific food. Good luck getting it to try something new!
You need to provide your cat with a drinking fountain. Cats out in the wild like to drink from running water, so they would like that at home too. A constant stream of water will entice them to stay hydrated. You have perhaps noticed that your cat enjoys drinking from the running sink. A fountain will allow a cat to drink naturally and is better for the environment.
If you want to buy a second cat, prepare for some time where the cats will be familiarizing themselves with each other. They may seem like they’re fighting all the time. After a bit of time, you’ll have two cats that will tolerate, and possibly enjoy, each other.
Check your cat if they suddenly stop using their litter-box. There are a number of health conditions that can make your kitty urinate and go to the bathroom in places other than the litter box. Some common issues are bladder and kidney problems. Consult with your veterinarian when your cat refuses to use its litter box.
Some food you eat isn’t good to feed your cat. Some of these include onions, grapes, garlic and green tomatoes. Your cat can get very sick from eating these foods. Dairy, including milk, is also not a good thing to give your cat.
Cats have a heightened sense of smell, and they can detect environmental changes easily. This may cause some problems when introducing new beds, scratching posts, or food dishes. Your cat may not initially appreciate a new pet. When your cat becomes more comfortable, he or she will adjust.
Are hairballs posing a serious problem for your cat, and additional brushing does not help to reduce them? Give your cat’s regular food an addition of pumpkin (about a teaspoon’s worth). You might even want to try to add a teaspoon of tuna water mixed together with the pumpkin to see if that helps. Anti-hairball foods are available commercially as well.
Health Issues
Avoid overfeeding your cat, as it can lead to many health issues. If your cat eats too much, it may end up being overweight and have health issues. Take care to feed your cat the correct portion sizes. A balanced, nutritious diet is important.
Some cat owners swear by the frequent bathing of their cats. Unless the cat is extremely dirty, giving a cat a bath is not recommended. Cats are meticulous about grooming themselves, and their tongues (with their raspy barbs) are ideally suited to keeping their fur clean. Cats tend to be obsessed with the way that they look.
While you might think that a cat is the ideal holiday gift for your child, it’s simply too hectic of a time. You should bring your child to a local shelter or store and allow them to choose which cat they like.
Spaying or neutering your cat is your job as a pet owner that takes care of their responsibilities. Cats are instinctively curious. Indoor cats do get out occasionally. When your cat escapes for just a minute, they may impregnate another or become pregnant themselves. As a result of overpopulation, cats are often put down.
While you might not consider a cat a great hunter like a guard dog, the cat eliminates smaller pests, has the motivation and is much more family-friendly. Cats often are better hunters than dogs. Use the tips above to care for your hunter pet.
